What I think about when I run
I'm just some random guy who likes to run and was good at an amateur level and now still runs some 4000k a year. Here are some thoughts I wanted to write down. Mostly to just dump the content from my brain, but also to counter other people's "argument" that running is stupid (okay maybe sometimes it is) and boring (I literally never thought "oh damn, I am really bored" while running). Thoughts in no particular order.
- Everything about this sucks, I am hurting, it is raining, this is so stupid.
- Everything about this still sucks, I am only doing this because running is basically an addiction and what will my 20 "friends" on Strava think if a mediocre runner like me doesn't run his 10k in a 5min/k pace.
- If I keep up my efforts and start doing doubles and get up at 6am in the morning every day I could easily PR this year. (Spoiler: Not happening.)
- If I were 20 years younger I would train so hard that I would be able to qualify for the Olympics. (Spoiler: Also not happening.)
- I'll have very random, very elaborate analyses of scenarios that are never going to happen, including full dialogues, pros and cons, action plans, etc. Just to be forgotten when I come back home and take a shower.
- Thinking about stuff I had been / have to be doing at work. This is the worst. It's the runs that don't feel like runs but more like I'm in a mobile office.
- Then again, sometimes you actually are able to solve a work issue while you are out there trotting along.