Polars vs. Pandas


A couple of weeks ago I came across polars , a "Lightning-fast DataFrame library for Rust and Python." Since then, I have been playing around with it, trying to do some of my daily data analyses tasks with polars instead of pandas .

I wanted to summarize my experience using polars for some of the work that I am doing by comparing my polars implementation of a data analysis pipeline to the equivalent pipeline using pandas . The emphasis here is on the fact that it is my implementation. I am sure that both the polars and the pandas implementation can be improved or are not necessarily following best practices. Moreover, I am barely fluent in polars at this point.

Nevertheless, I think that I learned something for myself and have formed some opinion on things I like and dislike.


I want to briefly discuss the data that I am encountering for this case study, as well as the steps in the analysis that I am performing.

The data I am using here is stored in a parquet file and the resulting data frame as approximately 40k rows with some 100 columns.

In a simplified way, that data looks like the following frame. There are two keys which contain measurements (thing of the first key of measurements with recording device A and B, and the second key of different days of the recordings.) Each measurement is a time series with columns t and time representing the local and global time, respectively. At those points in time, signals y1 , y2 , y3 , ... are recorded.

key1 key2 t y1 y2 y3 time
0 A U 0 0.342872 0.731905 0.341766 02/02/2023 15:07:21.68
1 A V 1 0.25941 0.493496 0.434559 02/02/2023 15:07:21.88
2 A W 2 0.485956 0.550383 0.521913 02/02/2023 15:07:22.28
3 A X 3 0.210544 0.406669 0.540021 02/02/2023 15:07:22.58
4 B U 2 0.830654 0.0386757 0.635353 02/02/2023 15:07:22.88
5 B V 3 0.187675 0.919848 0.648574 02/02/2023 15:07:23.28
6 B W 4 0.506172 0.93743 0.554965 02/02/2023 15:07:23.58
7 B X 5 0.21009 0.829689 0.857681 02/02/2023 15:07:23.88

The code below obfuscates the real column names because I don't want to give away sensitive information. However, It is worth outlining the steps that I am doing in the analysis. These steps include:

Using polars

Here's my implementation using polars for a total of 50 lines of code (LOC). I scan the data instead of reading it directly to run the whole pipeline in a lazy way. Only the call to collect at the end actually forces a computation. Internally, the operations can be optimized and made more efficient. I really like the chaining of operations. While it is somewhat verbose, it is consistent: Every new operation just gets chained to the existing operations with the .keyword() syntax. Computing averages over groups with the .median().over() syntax feels nicer than the pandas equivalent of .groupby().transform() .

Creating new columns with the .with_columns() syntax has the downside, that you need to chain multiple calls to .with_columns() after another if you want to access a column that was created in a prior computation. This is also the reason why my polars implementation has roughly twice the number of LOC when compared with the pandas implementation.

One downside that I saw is that, different from pandas , I do not get any kind of auto-complete for the columns that are in a data frame when using the pl.col("column name") syntax. In pandas, VSCode will allow you to auto-complete the column name if you start typing df["column and column_name will pop up as a suggestion if it is an element of the data frame.

lazy_frame = (
    .rename(mapping={"column1": "criteria2"})
            pl.col("time").str.strptime(pl.Datetime, fmt="%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S%.f"),
            (pl.col("y1") * 16.7).alias("z1"),
            pl.col("y2").head(20).median().over("criteria1", "criteria2").alias("z3"),
            pl.col("z1").head(20).median().over("criteria1", "criteria2").alias("z4"),
            pl.col("t").min().over("criteria1", "criteria2").alias("z5"),
    .with_columns((pl.col("z4") - pl.col("z3")).alias("z6"))
            (pl.col("z1") - pl.col("z6")).alias("y8"),
            (pl.col("y2").rolling_min(8, center=True) < 10).alias("z10"),
            (pl.col("t") - pl.col("z5")).alias("t"),
            pl.when(pl.col("y2").rolling_min(8, center=True) < 10)
            (2 * 3.14159 / 60 * pl.col("y2") * pl.col("y4")).alias("z8"),
            (2 * 3.14159 / 60 * pl.col("z2") * pl.col("y4")).alias(("z7")),
            (2 * 3.14159 / 60 * pl.col("y8") * pl.col("y4")).alias("y9"),
    .with_columns((pl.col("y9") - pl.col("z7")).alias("Error"))
        (100 * pl.col("Error") / pl.col("z7")).alias("Percentage Error"),
    .with_columns(((0.5 * pl.col("y10") + 0.5 * pl.col("y11"))).alias("z13"))
    .with_columns((313 * pl.col("y12") / (pl.col("z13") + 273)).alias("z12"))
    .select(["a list of some 10 columns that we want to preserve"])
frame = lazy_frame.collect()

Using pandas

And here's the pandas implementation for a total of 26 LOC. The data frames are equal up to a small difference in the way rolling is treated between polars and pandas . Overall, this implementation is much more dense. This implementation is not making use of laziness.

df = pd.read_parquet(path)
df["time"] = pd.to_datetime(df["time"], format="%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S.%f")
df.rename(columns={"column1": "criteria2"}, inplace=True)
df["z1"] = 16.7 * df["y1"]
df[["z3", "z4"]] = df.groupby(["criteria1", "criteria2"])[["y2", "z1"]].transform(
    lambda x: x.head(20).median()
)[["y2", "z1"]]
df["z5"] = df.groupby(["criteria1", "criteria2"])["t"].transform(lambda x: x.min())
df["z6"] = df["z4"] - df["z3"]
df["y8"] = df["z1"] - df["z6"]
df["z10"] = df["y2"].rolling(8, center=True).min() < 10
df["z2"] = df["y2"].copy()
    df["y2"].rolling(8, center=True).min() < 10,
] = float("nan")
df["t"] -= df["z5"]
df["z8"] = 2 * 3.14159 / 60 * df["y2"] * df["y4"]
df["z7"] = 2 * 3.14159 / 60 * df["z2"] * df["y4"]
df["y9"] = 2 * 3.14159 / 60 * df["y8"] * df["y4"]
df["Error"] = df["y9"] - df["z7"]
df["Percentage Error"] = 100 * df["Error"] / df["z7"]
df["z13"] = 0.5 * df["y10"] + 0.5 * df["y11"]
df["z12"] = 313 * df["y12"] / (df["z13"] + 273)
df = df[["a list of some 10 columns that we want to preserve"]]

Timing results

Ultimately, a promise of polars is its speed. Running both examples 10 times gives the following timing results:

polars: 0.021s +- 0.001s
pandas: 0.181s +- 0.006s
ratios: 8.700  +- 0.375

That is, the polars implementation runs about 8 to 9 times faster on my 2022 MacBook Pro with an M1 Max chip and 32 GB of RAM. I am using python 3.10 , pandas 1.4.3 and polars 0.16.9 . Additionally, I created a larger parquet file by just concatenating the original data frame together for one hundred times, i.e.

df = pd.read_parquet("./parquet/reduced_data.parquet")
largedf = pd.concat([df]*100)

This is of course not representing an actual dataset that is 100 times larger, but it at least shows a trend of the performance for a potentially larger dataset. Here we're getting the following timings

polars: 1.028s +- 0.026s
pandas: 18.813s +- 0.403s
ratios: 18.315  +- 0.490

The ratio between both implementations has grown when going from 40k rows to 4.4M rows. (Interestingly, the files sizes of the parquet files are 11MB and 421MB, respectively. Not an increase by 100x.)


I want to summarize two things, performance and writing code.

Performance wise, my polars implementation is a factor 8 to 9 faster for my example. It seems like this might be a lower bound when moving to larger files but I will keep an eye on that. Given that I am only writing polars code since a month, I am happy with this performance gain.

From an implementation point of view, I was much faster using pandas . I have been using pandas for two years now and I guess that's just showing here. I really appreciate the auto complete feature for the column names which is a feature that I miss when using polars .

I do like the chaining of operations, but it makes the code longer and it is a bit annoying having to write code like this (using pandas ):

df["y"] = 123 + df["x"]
df["z"] = 456 + df["y"]

in this way (using polars ):

df.with_columns((pl.col("x") + 123).alias("y"))
    .with_columns((pl.col("y") + 456).alias("z"))

Especially with long column names and black formatting, this can double the number of LOC.

Overall I am quite happy with my polars experience and I will continue using it for project in the futures. One thing I hope for, is that altair can be used with polars data frames instead of needing to call .to_pandas() when passing the data to a chart.

Thanks for reading :)